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Автор написал музыку и озвучил реплики героев произведения Марины и Сергея Дяченко "Ведьмин век". В данной аудиосюжетке представлена первая глава, роли озвучены классными дикторами. Автор надеется, что проект понравится слушателям.

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Paradox Interactive and Hardsuit Labs released an animated teaser for Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2, dedicated to the Thinblood clan. The developers also talked about three disciplines that can be mastered as a Thinblood. These disciplines will be available almost at the beginning of the game, as the protagonist is a Thinblood who became a vampire as a result of mass uncontrollable conversion in Seattle. Later in the plot, you can join other clans.

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